Jaguar Journal 03-19-2023

Hello Silver Hill Families,  Happy Sunday! I hope you all are well and enjoying the weekend – and maybe some March Madness!

Term 2 Report Cards – Will be coming home in the backpacks tomorrow – Monday, March 20th.

Please sign that you have received them and send the envelope back in – thank you!

2022-2023 Yearbooks!

Preserve a lifetime of memories for your child!

Our Silver Hill school yearbook consists of a photo directory of all students in K-5, staff portraits, candid photos, clubs and a farewell section to outgoing students. 4th and 5th grade students will receive a free copy thanks to our school PTO and business sponsors, and do not need to place an order. Students in grades K-3 will need to place an order to receive a book. The cost per book is $13.50. Please contact the school PTO or email if cost is the reason you cannot order.

Place an order for your child’s yearbook at the following link:

Other Previous Updates and Information:

Cell Phone Policy – We have seen an uptick of inappropriate phone use at school. Here is a reminder of our expectations at Silver Hill:

“Cell phones must be shut off and stored in backpacks during school hours. They may not be used at any time during the school day, including lunch and recess.

If they are seen by a classroom teacher, staff, etc. the phone will be confiscated and turned into the main office. The device can be picked up at the office by the student at the end of the school day. Repeated offenses may require the parent to pick up the device and/or require the student to drop it off daily at the office.”

Safety at Dismissal Time – There have been an increasing amount of car driving in during pick-up time that do not enter the car pick-up line but instead park illegally in the bus lanes or faculty parking lot. Please DO NOT continue this practice. This makes it very challenging for the buses to get through. Additionally, students run across the parking lot to meet their rides which is very dangerous.

  • If you are walking to pick up a child, please meet them at the front of the school.
  • If you are picking up a child in the car, please get in the car pick-up line.
  • We appreciate your attention to this matter. The safety of our students and everyone in the Silver Hill community is our number one priority!

Please be sure your children come to school with warm coats, hats, and gloves. We will be having outdoor recess as much as possible through the winter and we want to be sure all are protected from the colder weather!

**Please also be sure to send your children with snacks for snacktime.**

Take care and be well.


Donna Martin, Principal

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Children living in Haverhill who are five years old by August 31, 2023 (born between 9/1/2017 –

8/31/2018) are eligible to enroll in Haverhill Public School’s FREE all-day Kindergarten Program.

Enrollment for the 2023-2024 School Year is now open and we want you to get a head start!

Kindergarten Registration – Please click HERE for more information.

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Next Meeting of 2022-2023: Monday, April 3rd at 6:00 pm in the Silver Hill Library. All are welcome! We look forward to seeing you there!

Haverhill Community Youth Sports and Activities Directory


Mr. Murphy and the HPS Wellness Dept have created a simple directory of available opportunities throughout Haverhill, in an effort to increase participation and foster healthy lifestyles. We are calling it the Haverhill Community Youth Sports and Activities Directory (HCYSA). Their aim is to help build awareness, accessibility, and participation in local youth sports and activities programs. They believe that physical activity plays a key role in a child’s development because it doesn’t just develop the body. Playing, running, jumping, sports, dance, and all forms of exercise play a role in a child’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Please note that the HPS Wellness Dept is not affiliated with any of the opportunities provided.

Click the links below to find out more information about opportunities throughout the greater Haverhill area.

Community Directory (English)

Community Directory (Spanish)

Community Directory (Portuguese)


Monday, March 20 – Term 2 Report Cards sent home

Tuesday, March 21 – Grade 3 TRUE MCAS practice – 9:30 am – Lunch

Wednesday, March 22 – Early Release Day – 11:35 am dismissal

Monday, March 27 & Tuesday, March 28 – Polished Dental at Silver Hill

Tuesday, March 28 – Grade 3 ELA MCAS

Wednesday, March 29 – Grade 3 Field Trip / Grade 4 ELA MCAS

Thursday, March 30 – Grade 3 ELA MCAS

Friday, March 31 – Grade 4 ELA MCAS

Monday, April 3 – PTO Meeting – 6:00 pm

Tuesday, April 4 – School Librarian Day 🙂

Tuesday, April 4 – Grade 5 ELA MCAS

Tuesday, April 4 – School Site Council Meeting 6:30 pm

Thursday, April 6 – Grade 5 ELA MCAS

Friday, April 7 – NO SCHOOL

Thursday, April 13 – Grade K – Tony Toledo Storyteller

Thursday, April 13 – Grade 3-5 Title I Mathematics Night 5:00-7:00 pm

Monday, April 17 – Friday, April 21 – NO SCHOOL – April Vacation

Monday, May 1 – PTO Meeting – 6:00 pm

Tuesday, May 2 – Grade 4 Math MCAS

Thursday, May 4 – Grade 4 Math MCAS

Monday, May 8 – Grade 3 Math MCAS

Tuesday, May 9 – Grade 5 Math MCAS

Wednesday, May 10 – Grade 3 Math MCAS

Wednesday, May 10 – Grade 2 Science demo/experiments

Thursday, May 11 – Grade 5 Math MCAS

Tuesday, May 16 – Grade 5 STE MCAS

Tuesday, May 16 – Silver Hill/Consentino Band Concert – 6:30 pm

Wednesday, May 17 – Grade 3 USS Constitution Field Trip

Thursday, May 18 – Grade 5 STE MCAS

Thursday, May 18 – Arts Alive District-Wide Art Show at HHS

Wednesday, May 24 – Grade K-2 Title I Literacy Night 5:00-7:00 pm

Thursday, May 25 – Grade 4 Field Trip

Friday, May 26 – Early Release 11:35 am

Monday, May 29 – NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day

Wednesday, May 31 – Grade 1 Stone Zoo Field Trip

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