Sunday, November 15th – Weekly Update

Hello Silver Hill Jaguars!


This weekend marks World Kindness Day – hope you will take this opportunity to share a kind word with someone who is making a difference in your life right now. 


Reminder to send students with warm clothing (jacket, hats, mittens, etc) for cooler fall days of recess. 


Holiday Help:

We understand that the holiday season can be especially challenging and stressful and we would like to help our families as much as we can.  The Silver Hill community will once again put on a gift drive to assist families that need a little extra help at this time.  If you would like to sign up for assistance, please complete the below google form by November 26, 2021. Please do not fill out this form if you are already receiving help from another organization (DCF, Ozzie’s Kids, etc.) in order to allow us to help as many families as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Miranda Blanchette or Allison Donnelly.


Entendemos que la temporada navideña puede ser especialmente desafiante y estresante y nos gustaría ayudar a nuestras familias tanto como podamos. La comunidad de Silver Hill realizará una vez más una campaña de donaciones para ayudar a las familias que necesitan un poco de ayuda adicional en este momento. Si desea registrarse para recibir ayuda, complete el siguiente formulario de Google antes del 26 de noviembre de 2021. No complete este formulario si ya está recibiendo ayuda de otra organización (DCF, Ozzie’s Kids, etc.). Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con Miranda Blanchette o Allison Donnelly.

Silver Hill Elementary School 

English Learner Parent Outreach Meeting

Please join us on Wednesday, November 17th at 6:00 pm for an informal google meet at

We will be sharing information on supporting EL students at home with online resources for reading and math.  We would love to meet you, and a Spanish translator will be provided.  


COVID Vaccine Clinics:

HPS COVID Vaccine Clinics for Parents, students over 5 years and staff will be held on the following dates and at various locations:
Constentino Middle School 11/30 4-7:00pm (location – cafeteria)

Hunking Middle School 11/16 & 12/7 4-7:00pm (location – cafeteria)

Nettle Middle School 11/23 & 12/14 4-7:00pm (location – cafeteria)

Whittier Middle School ¼ & 1/25 4-7:00pm (location – cafeteria)

Register here



Silver Graphics:

Silver Graphics fundraiser will begin this Thursday, November 4th and will end on November 22nd.  Order beautiful keepsakes personalized with your child’s artwork! For holiday delivery, place order by Monday, November 22. Submit paper order form and payment to school or to  Access code SHart21


Have a fabulous week!!!



          11/17 EL Parent Outreach 6-6:45pm via google meet

          11/18 Individual School picture retakes

          11/24: Early Dismissal, Thanksgiving Recess 11:35

          11/25-11/26: No School, Thanksgiving Recess

          11/30: Trimester 1 Grades Close 

          12/7: Trimester 1 Report Cards issued 

          12/23: Early Release, Winter Recess 

          12/24-1/2: No School, Winter Recess