Weekly Update – December 12, 2021

Hello Silver Hill Jaguars!


A few reminders about upcoming events in our community – 


PTO Meeting is this Monday, December 13th at 6:00

To join the meeting, you can use this link:


or Zoom Meeting ID 2532609187  Passcode 899312


Silver Hill PTO Restaurant Night at 

Athens Pizza

All day, December 15th 

781 River Street, Haverhill


Lil Shoppers Holiday Shoppe December 14th

If you’d like to preview the merchandise that will be for sale at the Holiday Shoppe, please use the following link. https://holidayshop.org/holiday-shop-gifts/. This will make it easier for you and your child to budget for their holiday shopping. 

We will be doing a 20% markup in order to make a little bit of money for the school, so please view the prices accordingly. Thank you!!



Please remind your child(ren) to charge their chromebooks each night so they are ready for use in school the following day – Thank you!!!


COVID Vaccine Clinics:

HPS COVID Vaccine Clinics for Parents, students over 5 years and staff will be held on the following dates and at various locations:

Nettle Middle School 12/14 4-7:00pm (location – cafeteria)

Whittier Middle School 1/4  & 1/25 4-7:00pm (location – cafeteria)

Register here


Consent for COVID Pool Testing: If you would like your child to participate in weekly pool testing, please complete the consent form. Silver Hill tests weekly on Tuesdays. 

Click here to consent to COVID testing: https://www.cic-health.com/consent/ma?district=null


Have a fabulous week!!!



12/13 PTO Meeting 6:00pm 

12/14 PTO Holiday Store for students

12/15 PTO Fundraiser Athens Pizza

12/23: Early Release, Winter Recess 

12/24-1/2: No School, Winter Recess