Weekly Update – January 17, 2022

Hello Silver Hill Jaguars!!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!  Here are some updates for the next week:

Parents/Guardians of 5th graders: February 2nd 6:15pm via google meet – Hope you can join this meeting to discuss end of the year activities for our fifth graders. We need to decide what the yearbook will look like and what activities we would like to have for the kids before moving on to middle school. We are looking for everyone’s help in the planning, including the 5th grade teachers.Anyone who would like to volunteer to organize any the end of year activities will be welcome to do so!

Student Absences:

Please remember to contact the office at silverhillabsences@haverhill-ps.org if your child is going to be absent – thank you!!!

Lost and Found:

We have accumulated a lot of jackets, hats, shoes, lunchboxes, etc that have been left behind by students. If you would like to come in and check out lost and found – please contact office staff to arrange a time to take a look if anything belongs to your family. All items left after January 28th will be donated to local charity. 

COVID Vaccine Clinics:

HPS COVID Vaccine Clinics for Parents, students over 5 years and staff will be held on the following dates and at various locations: 

Whittier Middle School 1/25 4-7:00pm (location – cafeteria)

Register here

Consent for COVID Pool Testing: If you would like your child to participate in weekly pool testing, please complete the consent form. Silver Hill tests weekly on Tuesdays. 

Click here to consent to COVID testing: https://www.cic-health.com/consent/ma?district=null

Next PTO Meeting: Feb. 7th 


Have a fabulous week!!!



2/7/22 Progress Reports issued 2nd trimester

2/7 PTO Meeting via google meet

2/10/22  Parent -Teacher Conferences


2/18-22 Early Release (NEW!)


2/21-2/25 – Winter Break


5/27/22 Early Release (NEW!)