Weekly Update – February 6, 2022

Hello Silver Hill Jaguars!!

Hope you had a wonderful weekend!  Here are some updates for the next week:

PTO Meeting: The February PTO meeting will be held this Monday 2/7 at 6:00 pm via Zoom.

On the agenda:

*School store earnings, Lollipop sales, Box Tops

*Upcoming events: February Restaurant Night at The Pizza Place Wednesday 2/9

*Important Announcements: Lollipops sold on Fridays, School Store Hours, Silver Hill Shirts

To join the meeting, you can use this link:


or Zoom Meeting ID 2532609187  Passcode 899312

Food in classrooms: Please note that we do not allow food to be brought into school to share -for birthdays, parties, etc we encourage you to send in a non-food item if you wish to share something with your child’s classroom. We have too many allergies in the school and we want to be inclusive of all children. Thank you for your cooperation!

Chromebook reminder: Please remind your child(ren) to charge their chromebooks at night so they are ready to go the next day! Thank you for your help!

Message about drop offs: For parents who drop off and pick up during the week, we have been determining where to have students enter and exit the school on a daily basis.  The decision is based on the ice that tends to form heavily next to the PlayScape.  We ask for your patience and to follow staff directions while we decide the safest option at that given time. 

Also, please be mindful of the morning drop off routine. Please do not pull up to the front of the school or through the staff parking lot to drop off students. Our primary concern is the safety of students as they exit cars while buses and other vehicles pull into the school. 

Student Absences: Please remember to contact the office at silverhillabsences@haverhill-ps.org if your child is going to be absent – thank you!!!

Reminder: New Early Release – Friday, February 18 – 11:35 dismissal


Have a fabulous week!!!



2/7/22 Progress Reports issued 2nd trimester

2/7 PTO Meeting via google meet

2/9 National Pizza Day!! Fundraiser with Pizza Place

2/10/22  Parent -Teacher Conferences

2/16/22 EL Outreach meeting via google meet

2/18 Early Release (NEW!) 11:35 dismissal

2/21-2/25 – Winter Break