Weekly Update – February 27, 2022

Hello Silver Hill Jaguars!!

Hope you had a wonderful week with your families! We are excited to return to school and see all your children! 

Here are some updates for the next week:

Mask Update from Superintendent’s Office:

Dear Families, 


Haverhill Public schools are committed to providing a safe environment in schools during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We have many mitigation efforts in our schools to help keep our students and staff healthy. Our layered mitigation strategies include millions of dollars in repairs and upgrades to our HVAC systems, air-scrubbers in rooms without windows, dramatically increased nursing and custodial staffing, ongoing social distancing of students to the extent possible in our buildings, and free at-home COVID testing kits for those interested. 


As you may know, the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education has removed the state-wide school mask mandate and has given the local community the power to decide on mask requirements. At the last school committee meeting on Thursday, February 10, Haverhill voted to become a “mask choice” district as of February 28, 2022. Mask Choice means that we will respect the rights of individual students and staff to determine whether to mask in school or not. However, per guidance and recommendations from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), and the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH), the following mask wearing requirements remain in place until further notice:


·         Students and staff returning from 5-day quarantine following a positive COVID test must follow strict mask use, other than when eating, drinking, or outside, and conduct active monitoring for symptoms through day 10 of exposure.


·         Masks will be required in all school health offices. 


·         By federal public health order, all students and staff are required to wear a mask on school buses.


Additionally, a face covering that covers the nose and mouth is strongly recommended (but not required) to be worn by individuals who remain unvaccinated or are otherwise immunocompromised in school buildings and on school grounds, even when social distancing is observed. 


Thank you for your continued attention to the safety of our community.


Margaret Marotta EdD

Superintendent of Schools 



Haverhill Youth Soccer: Registration is now open for Development and In Town Programs. These programs are available to players in grades PreK-8. If you would like to sign up at www.haverhillyouthsoccer.org to learn more about each program. 


**Food in classrooms: Please note that we do not allow food to be brought into school to share -for birthdays, parties, etc we encourage you to send in a non-food item if you wish to share something with your child’s classroom. We have too many allergies in the school and we want to be inclusive of all children. Students that bring in food will not be allowed to hand it out, and food will be returned home with student. Thank you for your cooperation!


Message about drop offs: For parents who drop off and pick up during the week, we have been determining where to have students enter and exit the school on a daily basis.  The decision is based on the ice that tends to form heavily next to the PlayScape.  We ask for your patience and to follow staff directions while we decide the safest option at that given time. 

Also, please be mindful of the morning drop off routine. Please do not pull up to the front of the school or through the staff parking lot to drop off students. Our primary concern is the safety of students as they exit cars while buses and other vehicles pull into the school. 

COVID Vaccine Clinics for Parents, All students 5 years and up, and Staff: Saturday 3/19/22 9:00-2:00. Consentino Middle School 685 Washington Street – clinic held in the cafeteria. Walk-ins welcome!

Student Absences: Please remember to contact the office at silverhillabsences@haverhill-ps.org if your child is going to be absent – thank you!!!



HYS Spring 2022 Flyer – English.png HYS Spring 2022 Flyer – Spanish.PNG