Weekly Update – May 23, 2022

Hello Silver Hill Jaguars!!

Here are some updates for the next week:

Please find attached the May school calendar


**Reminder this Friday, May 27 is an early release for teacher professional development

**No school Monday, 5/30 in honor of Memorial Day


This Tuesday, May 24th, a group of 5th graders will be participating in a city-wide Track Meet! Come cheer on all our athletes! 4-6:00pm at Haverhill High School


ALICE Drill: We will be practicing the ALICE drill in the upcoming week. All students have viewed the child friendly video about stranger danger and have had the opportunity to have all their questions. Similar to other drills that we have, we will follow up with families afterwards to alert them of the drill that day. This will give you the opportunity to discuss it with your child(ren) when they get home that day. Please reach out if you have any questions.

MCAS Updates: We are so proud of the grit our third, fourth and fifth graders have shown these past few weeks through all of the MCAS testing! We are officially finished!! Yay to all the students and teachers who helped make this happen!

Upcoming PTO Events:

Fun Run! Please see attached informational sheet regarding this fundraiser. 

May 24th Silver Hill Fun Run Grades K-2

May 25th Silver Hill Fun Run Grades 3-5


Monarch Nutrition Fundraiser~

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Monarch Fundraiser for Silver Hill PTO!


Reminder: School begins at 8:45 – students who are dropped off before 8:45 are not allowed to come into the building. We have had more and more students being dropped off early ~ please remember there is no staff on duty until 8:45. Thank you for your cooperation!



Student Absences: Please remember to contact the office at silverhillabsences

@haverhill-ps.org if your child is going to be absent – thank you!!!


Have a fabulous week!!!

Important Dates

Upcoming Dates:


May 24th Silver Hill Fun Run Grades K-2

May 25th Silver Hill Fun Run Grades 3-5

May 27 ER – Professional Development

May 30 No school 

June 3rd JLine Dancers (3rd and 4th grade)

June 3rd Haverhill High School Graduation

June 4 Book Fair Barnes and Noble Salem NH

June 6th Curious Creatures (Grade 1)

June 9th 5th grade Only Pizza Lunch and Ice Cream Truck

June 10th 5th grade students and staff – Basketball game 1:15

June 10th – 5th grade only – movies in classrooms

June 13th Red Carpet Diploma Ceremonies – 5th grade only

June 14th 5th grade – Tie Dye

June 15th 5th grade students and families – Outdoor Clap Out 9:30

June 15 Last day of school!