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Jaguar Journal 09-25-2022


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  1. Updates from Principal Martin (Cooler weather, Picture Day, Cross Country, Smencils, Attendance Awareness Month, Grade 5 next year, Trunk or Treat, Reminders/Updates)
  2. Lunch Menu
  3. Important Upcoming Events
  4. Picture Day Information
  5. Silver Hill School Site Council
  6. Monthly Calendar
  7. Wellness from Mr. Murphy
  8. Before and After School Programs Information
  9. PTO Corner
  10. Chromebook Insurance Information
  11. Attendance Information
  12. Community Events

2022-2023 SCHOOL YEAR

Hello Silver Hill Families,I hope you are having a nice weekend. Fall has definitely arrived, and everyone is settled in and adapting to the daily school routine. **Please be sure your children come to school with the necessary jackets, hats, etc. so they are able to be warm when they go outside for recess.

***School Picture Day is tomorrow, Monday 9/26! More details below.**

Cross Country begins Tuesday morning at 8:00 am. It’s imperative that all runners wear sneakers and bring a water bottle to keep hydrated. Please do not drop your child off until you see one of the coaches outside. Thank you for all your support!

Smencils are on sale in the office for $1. Money goes to our student activities to help pay for fun and enriching activities for the students!

September is Attendance Awareness Month – As you know, attendance is crucial for a child’s success in school. All children achieve higher when they are in school, on time, on a daily basis. Haverhill Public Schools will be recognizing the importance of attendance this month by sponsoring a breakfast for the classroom with the highest attendance percentage for the month of September. The breakfast will take place on Friday, October 7th. I will announce the classroom winner of the breakfast at the end of the month.

Silver Hill will be K-4 next year – Dr. Marotta confirmed with me this week that Silver Hill will not have any Grade 5 classrooms next year. After the new year, we will work with both Grades 4 and 5 to help them prepare for the transition to the middle school.

SAVE THE DATE! – Trunk or Treat – Wednesday, October 19th – On 10/19, from 5:00-6:30 pm, we are excited to welcome all Silver Hill students and families for a fall-themed event with games, crafts, and treats! More details to come in the upcoming weeks.

Reminders / Updates

  • **Please DO NOT drop your children off at the school earlier than 8:45 am. It is getting much colder outside and there is no supervision before 8:45 am
  • We have breakfast in the cafeteria now from 8:45-9:00 am. If they arrive after 9:00 am, they can take breakfast up to the classroom, but they may not bring milk out of the cafeteria.
  • **Tardies: If you do bring your child after 9:00 am, please come into the school with them to sign them in.
  • As a reminder, ALL guests to the building need to be buzzed in by the Main Office. You may not walk in as someone else is leaving. Please help us keep all of our children safe!
  • For Car Drop off in the Mornings – PLEASE DO NOT let your child(ren) out of the car until 8:45 when adults come out to greet them. Before 8:45 am, there is no adult presence and it is unsafe to have the students out on the playscape unsupervised.
  • As you leave the Silver Hill /Consentino parking lot onto Washington Street, please follow the traffic rules and only turn right. This will help ease the traffic within the parking lot.

Take care and be well.


Donna Martin, Principal

Important Upcoming Dates


i-Ready Assessment dates

Grade K: Math 10/3 start

Monday, September 26 – Picture Day

Tuesday, September 27 – Cross Country begins

Tuesday, September 27 – D’Empanada restaurant fundraiser (all day)

Wednesday, September 28 – Early Release Day – 11:35 Dismissal

Thursday, September 29 – Dental Polished Day

Friday, September 30 – 9:30-11:00 am Haverhill Public Library visit with second graders

Monday, October 3 – PTO Meeting 6:00 pm

Friday, October 7 – All Cookiedough fundraiser orders due

Monday, October 10 – No School

Tuesday, October 11 – School Site Council Meeting 6:30 pm (virtual)

Wednesday, October 12 – Early Release Day

Thursday, October 13 – K field trip to Sacred Heart for Fire Prevention Week

Wednesday, October 19 – Trunk or Treat fall event at Silver Hill – 5:00-6:30 pm


We will be taking School Pictures this Monday, September 26th! Forms went home with students this week – please check their backpacks! We will have extras in the office or you can order photos online. Families should have received a personal email directly from O’Connor Studios to order online.
Silver Hill School Site Council


The Silver Hill School Site Council is a representative, school building-based committee established by the school pursuant to Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 71, Section 59C. Teachers, parents/caregivers, and community members can become more committed to improving the school and more supportive of the public school system when they enjoy the opportunity to serve or be represented on a school council that has a role in shaping the goals and programs of the school. School councils enhance site-based decision making because they expand the participation of the school community in its schools’ decision making. The involvement of different groups on the council — teachers, parents, and non parent community members — provides the school with different and mutually complementary perspectives on its improvement goals and plans. In addition, by involving people who work in and support the school in the development of the school’s improvement plan, the likelihood will increase that the plan will be successfully implemented.Site Council meetings will be held monthly on the second Tuesday of the month. The first meeting will be Tuesday, October 11th. All meetings will be at 6:30 pm and they will be held virtually.

Get Involved! – Please send me an email at if you are interested in serving on the Silver Hill Site Council or if you have any questions.

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From Mr. Murphy: Let's Be Active and Healthy!


Mr. Murphy, Silver Hill’s Physical Education teacher, is looking for students to bring in some photos of them being active and healthy outside of school. This could include anything from sports, organized activities, dance, martial arts or just going for walk, bike ride, or hike with friends and family. He can also print photos if they are emailed to him.Let’s all work together to be healthy and active outside of school! 🙂

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PTO Corner


First Meeting of 2022-2023: Monday, October 6th at 6:00 pm

Rebecca’s Cookie Dough Fundraiser Starts 9/12 and will run through 10/7. Paper order forms will be coming home with your student this week and online orders can be submitted through here:

Please share with family and friends and help support the Silver Hill PTO!

D’Empanada restaurant fundraiser on Wednesday, Sept 27th (all day).

More info to follow!

Chromebook Insurance Information


Haverhill Public Schools has chosen School Device Coverage (SDC) to insure the devices that will be given to your student as part of this year’s 1:1 device program. For only $20 per student, this insurance program will protect you and your student(s) in the event that your device is lost, stolen, or damaged accidentally over the course of the school year. Please follow this link for more information and to sign up. Haverhill Student Device Insurance

This information is also posted on the Parent and Student Resources page, Our Technology page, and the HPS Student Technology Device Policy (Spanish Version) document.

Attendance Matters!


For Elementary/PreK/K School Parents:

Showing up matters for R.E.A.L because it is an opportunity to:

  • Build Routines
  • Increase Engagement
  • Provide Access to resources
  • Support Learning

RoutinesDaily attendance routines can reduce stress, increase your child’s self-confidence, and lay a foundation for good attendance in later grades.

EngagementParticipation in school helps your child connect with other children and adults and get excited about learning.

Access to ResourcesSchools can give you access to meals, physical and mental health care and other supports, and fun enrichment activities (sports, clubs, music, afterschool, and summer programs, etc.).

Learning: Children learn best from hand-on activities and through meaningful interactions with their teacher and other students.

A reminder that it is very important for your child to be on time to school each day! Please reach out to your child’s teacher or school adjustment counselor if you need any support with getting your child to school.


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Silver Hill Elementary School