October Update !!!

October 25, 2018   Dear Silver Hill Families,   Tomorrow is Red Sox Day! Wear your colors to cheer on the winning team!   Trick or Treating in Haverhill has… Read more »

Mid Week Update   9-26-18 Dear Silver Hill Families, You can tell it’s been a busy week by the fact that this is already a mid week update! Our bulletin board is… Read more »

September 16, 2018 Dear Silver Hill Families, Hope you had lots of family fun on this beautiful Sunday! This year Haverhill Public Schools has adopted the theme, School Everyday. Excessive absences, dismissals,… Read more »

August 26, 2018  Dear Silver Hill Families,  This is my back to school Weekend Update…and it’s a different one!  Last year it was snow and now it’s heat! Due to… Read more »

August 5, 2018 Hello Silver Hill Families! Wow! My first Weekend Update for the 2018-2019 school year…I’ve had a wonderful summer but must admit I’m looking forward to having the… Read more »

Join the Mount Washington Alliance Bilingual Storytime/Cuento bilingüe! Bilingual Story Time – Spanish Bilingual Story Time – English

Sponsored by the Child Nutrition Outreach Program CNOP works to increase participation in school breakfast and summer meals in Massachusetts. Together, [they] strive to ensure that all children in the state… Read more »

June 18, 2018 Dear Silver Hill Families, This will be my last Week Ahead for the school year and also for Silver Hill Horace Mann Charter School. The entire school… Read more »